Friday 28 November 2014

Solid Reasons to Use a Dog Stroller or Pet Bike Trailer for Your Dog

There are people who are against putting a dog in a stroller. Their justification is that strollers are for infants and babies who cannot walk and restraining a dog that can walk is a form of cruelty. However, there are solid enough reasons to use a dog stroller or pet bike trailer from Booyah Strollers to carry your pet around.

  • If your pet is ill or has a paw injury, the dog stroller from Booyah Strollers comes in handy to take him out for some fresh air and sunshine or for a visit to the vet. Your dog can remain in the stroller at the vet’s place and even during examination, keeping him insulation from possible infections.
  • If you have got a small dog and want to take him along when you go out for a run, do not expect him to keep up with you for the 3 mile run. Take along a dog stroller. Let him run as much as he wants to but when he gets tired, let him relax in the stroller. If you ride a bike then you will find the pet bike trailer from just perfect to tow along. A pet bike trailer has a swivel front wheel and a bracket that can be attached to your bike.
  • If you are in hurry such as when you go out shopping or to work you cannot afford to dawdle and let your dog explore interesting things on the way. Your dog can remain in the stroller for dogs when you work or shop. In some places they may refuse entry if your dog is on a leash but if it is in a stroller, they are less likely to object.
  • Suppose you go out for a run along with your dog but what if he gets tired? Do you carry him on your shoulders? This is rather tiring. Use a dog stroller and take the strain off your shoulders. Aged dogs will appreciate the courtesy just as much as young ones will.
  • Is your dog a medical dog or a service dog? Surely when you go to public places you want him to be comfortable and in such places, a dog stroller is his private place where he can relax, instead of sitting docilely on the floor.
  • Dogs love to walk, scamper and explore places but can damage paws on rough pavements or get them full of dirt. A stroller keeps him secured and his paws clean.
  • If you have a tiny pet, he is vulnerable to sudden attacked by larger dogs when you take him out for an airing. An enclosed pet bike trailer or dog stroller serves as protection.
  • Do you live in an area with high traffic density? There are all chances of your dog being hit by a vehicle. Your dog will enjoy the daily outing when he is safely ensconced in a dog stroller.

Ignore those who are against dog strollers. These come in useful on special occasions and if you have a pet, you must also have a dog stroller on the standby for such times.

    Watch This Video Post On Assembling the Booyah Stroller Bicycle Trailer


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